Why Kava is the Perfect Alternative to Alcohol

Why Kava is the Perfect Alternative to Alcohol?

Alcohol has played the part of an essential socializing and often relaxing beverage. However, although it has its own appeal, it also brings a bundle of disadvantages for a person’s health. The  rising awareness about the ill-effects of alcohol is driving people towards its alternatives such as Kava. Many claim that Kava is the Perfect Alternative to alcohol. Is that actually the truth? In this comprehensive study, we aim to find out just that! So let’s get right to it.

What Is Kava?

Kava, also known as Kava Kava, finds its origins in the South Pacific region. This beverage is made by processing the roots of the Kava plant which is found abundantly in that location. 

For several centuries, Kava has been an integral part of the culture of the Pacific Islands, used in social occasions and as a ceremonial drink. In recent years, with growing globalization and mixing of cultures, the prominence of Kava Drink has been steadily growing in the US with more and more ‘Kava bars’ getting established everywhere. 

How Is Kava The Ideal Replacement For Alcohol?

If you are someone who has outgrown waking up with extreme hangovers, slurring your speech, not remembering what happened when you drank, or falling and getting hurt, while still getting that relaxing feeling that alcohol provides, Kava is the drink for you. 

When comparing Kava vs alcohol, you will find that Kava does not intoxicate a person, however, it makes people feel relaxed in general, and some people even experience a tingling feeling. This is because Kava can lead to a numbing effect on the mouth that causes tingling around the lips. 

When you consume Kava, you can experience psychoactive impacts such as lowering of anxiety, increased relaxation, better quality of sleep, stress relief, improving sociability, and more. 

Moreover, it is non- addicting which is perfect for anyone who fears they can get hooked easily. The non-addicting nature of Kava makes it a great choice as the drinkers never become dependent on this beverage for surviving through the day. This also means that you do not experience anything like withdrawal symptoms if you do not consume it on a regular basis, which makes it ideal for long-term consumption. 

Beyond these effects, Kava also outperforms alcohol for the health conscious population. This drink is much lower in calories as compared to alcohol. This is primarily because alcoholic beverages and cocktails are prepared with high calorie mixers such as sugary sodas and syrups, where Kava is typically prepared with water. As a result, consumers do not risk gaining unwanted weight by consumption of Kava.  

As an added bonus, Kava is a good replacement for alcohol also because it does not impair the consumer’s cognitive capabilities. This means that you do not experience lapses in memory, or experience mental blurriness after consuming Kava. Rather, some research has suggested that Kava can potentially enhance a person’s mental capabilities.

Related Questions

1. Is Kava safe for consumption? 

Kava is generally safe for consumption. However, it should be consumed in moderation. 

2. Will I get Liver disease if I consume Kava? 

Kava consumption does not directly lead to liver disease. A good practice is to consult with your doctor before consuming just to be sure. 

3. Is Kava the best alternative to alcohol? 

For social consumption as well as for recreational personal use, Kava is a great alternative to alcohol. For people overcoming addiction, this can be a very helpful product as well. 


Kava is a wonderful replacement for alcohol as it does not cause any of the bad effects that alcohol leaves you with, but does offer the euphoric feeling that people consume alcohol for. If you are someone who has outgrown alcohol or needs to experiment with something new, Kava might just be what you are looking for. This recreational product offers all the fun of having alcohol without inflicting any of the regular consequences including a raging hangover.


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